#gladcnails -> glairdees

Hello people! As you may have (or not) notice, I’ve decided to change my url from gladcnails.wordpress to glairdees.wordpress to keep it consistent with my instagram account. #gladcnails is actually a hash tag I use on instagram so that  I can locate my nail posts more easily. I wanted to use that as my url since well, it’s nails. But I realize that I shouldn’t restrict myself to only nails, just in case if I want to venture out to other topics such as crafting or beauty etc.  So glairdees.wordpress.com it is! Makes it easier for people to locate me I think heh.

Right now I can be found on: this blog(obviously), Instagram and Twitter! I shall stop my rambling now, do pop by to say hi 😀

Gladys C 🙂

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