Nail Art: Flappy Bird

Hello girls (& boys)! I’m back with nail art for you today. 🙂
Have you people tried the popular app that has been making huge waves everywhere?

THIS. is the app that is driving people crazy everywhere. It’s a simple game really, you control the bird by tapping on the screen. One tap= one flap. The objective of this game is to pass through as many pipes as possible. Sounds easy doesn’t it? But it’s more challenging when you actually try it, you have to get the momentum going so you wouldn’t crash into the (damn) pipes.

For those of you who have the app installed- good for you! (or not if it drives you nuts lol) But for those who want to download it now, I’m sorry. The game has been taken off stores and the reason- I’ve no idea.

ANYWAY, back to the main topic- nail art. Seeing that flappy bird is so popular (and it seems easy to paint) I have to attempt some flappy bird nail art!
So first, I started with painting my nails blue to mimic the background. This stunner here is Zoya Robyn- 2 coats with top coat. Super gorgeous bright blue that is easy to paint, major love. But note that this colour does stain slightly so double up on the base coat! The stain came off my nails after half a day though so it’s not a major turn off.
I paint my nail art using acrylic paint if any of you are wondering. Much easier to control and you can just scratch it off. The stupid bird took me 3 tries!!!!! This is my 2nd try and I think it looks retarded. I overestimated my ability and drew everything too small. -.-
Finally, on the 3rd try my flappy bird looks okay! *wipes sweat off forehead*
TA DAAAA~ The final look with top coat. So so glad I managed to not make the bird look retarded.
Here’s another shot with my thumb! In case you thought I didn’t have a thumb. HA.

Hope you girls (& guys) like my attempt at flappy bird nail art! 😀 *bows*

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